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Planning Board Minutes 07/13/09
Meeting Minutes
Monday, July 13, 2009 @ 4:30 PM

Present: Janet Weidner, chair, Mitchell Posin, Rusty Walton, John Flender, Tim Lasker, Billy Meegan
Absent: Rich Osnoss

Public: Glen Provost, Dan Greenbaum

Review of Minutes:
        Minutes from June 8, 2009 approved as amended.
        There were no minutes presented from June 22, 2009.

Form A Subdivision: for Vincent Property located on South Road.
        This property is owned by William and Robert Vincent (Map 11, parcel 1.2). Mr. Provost proposed to create two lots out of the single lot. This proposed subdivision of property has been before the board before, but in a slightly different configuration. Mr. Provost emphasized that this division of property actually reduces the potential number of dwellings per lot, thus reducing the potential density of this area. He raised the point that this property has not previously been subdivided and could have three dwellings on it while never come before the Planning Board. By dividing this into two lots, it would only allow for one dwelling, per lot, for 5 years then a guest house application could be made at that point.

Mr. Meegan questioned the suitability of the road for this proposed division of property. He suggested that the road in its present condition is unsuitable for this development/ division. The road currently is used by 3 households. Mr. Walton suggested that this access is unsafe and questioned whether or not this road could safely take the traffic of two more vehicles/households. Mr. Walton and Mr. Meegan both said the grade makes it difficult to back up into the entrance should that be necessary.

After much discussion over potential density of this subdivision and question of suitability of the road, the Board decided they have 21 days to approve or disapprove this Form A. A motion was made to have the Board site visit the access road to determine suitability. That motion was seconded and unanimously approved. This discussion will be continued until July 27 at 4:30 pm.

Dan Greenbaum:
Mr. Greenbaum had been given the task of developing a walking path system for the campus of town center. He presented his sketches and discussed his ideas connecting the main travelled areas within town center, including the Post Office, Library, Chilmark Community Center, Sovereign Bank, Town Hall and the Chilmark Store/Cornerway/Police Station area. Safety for pedestrians along the existing ways was the main concern. The board was pleased to review the preliminary sketches and thanked Mr. Greenbaum for his work. He will present his sketches to Mr. Doty.

Mitchell Posin:
Mr. Posin presented information gathered from an informal meeting he had with Mr. Nanna concerning Fiber Optics. He presented the Administrative Assistant with his notes. (The notes are currently being transcribed to add to minutes.)

North Tabor Farm:
Ms. Weidner informed the Board on the details of the North Tabor Farm Committee Meeting held June 18, 2009 at 7 pm in Town Hall. She outlined that the main concerns that were brought up during the meeting, including:
The Farm Report; Insurance; Lease on Farm Lot #2 and #3;
There were several questions that the Committee members felt should be addresses by Town Counsel. The refinement of those questions is being done currently and with approval, will be sent on to Town Counsel.
Meeting Minutes are currently being finished and will be distributed when approved by Planning Board chair and the a tentative meeting date of October 29, 2009 has been scheduled for the next Farm Committee meeting.

WECS Public Hearing:
Ms. Weidner opened the Public Hearing and suggested the Board continue the Hearing. Motion was made for continuance. The motion was seconded and approved by the Board. The continued Public Hearing is set for July 27, 2009 at 5:30 pm

 Members of the Aquinnah Planning Board have contacted the Chilmark Planning Board in the hope of having an informal discussion concerning the EFSB (Energy Facility Siting Board) and Wind Turbine Bylaws.
That date is July 22, at 10 am.

Next scheduled Planning Board Meeting is set for July 27, 2009 at 4:30pm
With no further business to discuss, Ms. Weidner closed the meeting at 6:15pm.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Todd Christy, Administrative Assistant.